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Wellness Program


Unique Value Proposition: Wellness as a Lifestyle


While the inordinate demands of healthcare costs cripple some businesses, other companies report an average return on investment of 300-400 percent for every dollar spent on corporate wellness and preventative healthcare program for their employees.


Through its proprietary wellness services and resources, Onsite spa offers cutting-edge and comprehensive holistic health and fitness education, customized incentive rewards, and on-site, on-demand services for both large and small businesses.


Not only do Onsite spa wellness management initiatives effect the actual medical health of workers, reducing sick days, attrition rates, and Human Resources costs, but they also create significant and measurable proactive benefits. Job satisfaction, increased performance and productivity, heightened morale and company loyalty, and overall workplace satisfaction are directly correlated with an emphasis upon wellness as a lifestyle within corporate culture.


The Onsite Spa network includes locations in Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Tampa,Orlando,Jacksonville


Clients include AT&T, , eBay, Fidelity Investments, Gillette, Glaxo Smith Kline, Hilton Hotels,  Suntrust Bank, M&M, Disney


All members of the Onsite spa staff are certified and licensed health and wellness professionals with extensive training and experience.
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